symphonies, string quartet, piano, voice and ballet). He was the first to convert
the guitar into a miniature sized orchestra (observation made by L.V. Beethoven).
Generally speaking Sor's guitar music depends on a solid independent lower
voice, dialogues between the voices and the frequent use of three-voice tex-
tures. Sor's writing style was a representation of his advanced conception of the
textural possibilities of the instrument.
The Grande Sonate op.22 is a multi-movement piece set in the four movement
scheme of the high-classical Austro-French string quartet or symphony esthetical-
ly influenced by Haydn and formally modeled after Pleyel. It was published in
Paris in 1825 and most likely written in Spain during the period 1800-08. The
Rondo Allegretto is an extended five-part rondo A-B-A-C-A (ending with a coda)
that presents elements of the sonata form through its transitions and theme