This is a follow-up to my previous post on the Juan Álvarez Concert Classical
Guitar. On this occasion I'll take the opportunity to point out mentionable aspects
that make this guitar unique in sound, quality and playability. I have provided
photos detailing the 20 frets, the maker label, close-up of the bridge and the heel.
Photo 1 Front view of the guitar showing the 20 frets reaching a C on the 1st
string and a G on the 2nd. The addition of this extra fret changes the appearance
of the soundhole area. I believe this innovation is a step forward in the evolution
of the instrument because it has increased the sound of the B on the 1st string
19th fret substantially.
Photo 2 Detail of the maker label with the luthier's signature indicating serial
number and year of construction:2016.
Photo 3 Detail of the bridge. Notice how the string passes through the hole,
comes back around and through again (there are 2 holes -near the saddle- and
another one on the other end per string). This contributes to great sustain and
facilitates tuning.
Photo 4 Detail of the heel. The "neck joint" where the neck meets the body is
considerably smaller allowing easier access to the lower bout, thus adding to the
guitar's wonderful playability.