Sunday, March 19, 2023



Amplified Acoustic Guitar

Or put in other words the title of this post could read, "To be or not to be." A quote taken from Shakespeare's play Hamlet (1599-1601). "To amplify my instrument or not" during live performance is a very important question that should be re-examined under today's technological advances in PA amplification, and the constant demand for "live music". Choosing to amplify your acoustic instrument can give the musician more possibilities of playing live in large or somewhat noisy venues.

Your instrument and the use and placement of the 4099 DPA Core super-cardioid condenser mic are the main factors that will allow you to reproduce during live performance the maximum sound quality at the highest possible volume depending on the circumstances. Eliminating feedback while achieving an accurate and natural sound is the main objective, and we must take into consideration that each venue has its own sound idiosyncrasies (indoor/outdoor, temperature, humidity level, number of guests, etc.).